Wellbeing & Support
The most important part of our role as educators is to keep our pupils safe. As part of this we aim to provide information and guidance to families and carers to continue this responsibility in the community and homes of our local area. Please follow the links below to find a range of materials that aim to support our work, as well as who to contact.
Wellbeing & Support Key Contacts
Mr M StevensonVice Principal - Safeguarding & Prevent Lead
Mr M Stevenson
Mrs S BeschizzaChild Protection Officer - Deputy Safeguarding and Domestic Abuse Lead
Mrs S Beschizza
Mrs J PritchardChild Protection Officer - Deputy Safeguarding and Online Safety Lead
Mrs J Pritchard
Mrs V MerryweatherChild Protection Officer
Mrs V Merryweather
Mrs J RobertsPA to Executive Headteacher
Mrs J Roberts
Mrs C MacdonaldHead of Primary Phase
Mrs C Macdonald
Mrs K FisherSixth Form Administrator / Safeguarding Lead for Sixth Form
Mrs K Fisher
Mrs S AmorAssistant Principal - SENDCo
Mrs S Amor
Mr L SkillernDeputy SENDCo
Mr L Skillern
Miss J BennettDesignated Teacher for Looked After Children
Miss J Bennett