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Cromwell Community College


“Computers have become the most empowering tool we’ve ever created. The ongoing development of ICT in all its forms and applications is driving radical change in our lives, with the constant creation of new products and services, new ways of conducting business, new markets and investment opportunities, and new social and cultural expression”.

Bill Gates

Welcome to the Computing subject page. Below you will find a breakdown of each year group, including what is taught, how we assess, what enrichment opportunities there are and what can be expected in terms of homework. If you need any further information please contact the Head of Department, Mr Quarmby, at gquarmby@cromwell.cambs.sch.uk.

Click here to see a visual representation of our Computing curriculum from     Year 7 - Year 13

Click here to see a visual representation of our Creative i-Media curriculum from Year 10 - Year 11


Homework is set on a regular basis by the class teacher and can be accessed by logging into your Arbor account. 

Here are links to websites to enhance your learning: 







The enrichment opportunities will be updated early in the new academic year.  

Ability Grouping

Computing is taught in mixed ability groups from Year 7 to Year 9.

Computer Science and Information Technology is taught in mixed ability groups in Year 10 to Year 13. 

Teaching Staff

Mr G Quarmby (Head of Department)

Mr N Matthews

Miss C Hartshorne 

Mrs T Shepherd 



Primary Phase 

The Computing programme of study sets out an overview of learning objectives that children should be taught by the end of each key stage.  For detailed Knowledge and Skills Progression in each year group, download the PDF document at the bottom of this page.

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Understanding the World, sets out that children should have the opportunity to explore, observe and find out about technology.

Key Stage 1 and 2 

Computer Science covers topics such as:

  • How computer networks work
  • Algorithms
  • Sequence
  • Selection
  • Variables

Computer Science: Key Stage 2

We aim to introduce some text-based programming to the older children; computational thinking is also developed further through concepts such as decomposition, which means breaking down large problems into smaller parts.

Information Technology: Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2

Information Technology is very broad involving the creation, organisation and manipulation of digital content in both key stages – digital content is taught and includes things such as audio to images to film and beyond.

Information Technology: Key Stage 2

Children are taught how to use search technologies effectively and how to analyse, present and evaluate data.

Digital Citizenship: Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2

The Digital Citizenship component of the Computing curriculum incorporates a lot of what is referred to as ‘online safety’ – using technology safely, respectfully and responsibly. All children will be taught a range of ways to report any concerns they may have.

Digital Citizenship: Key Stage 2

Pupils in Key Stage 2 will also learn how to evaluate content and consider how reliable the information they find online is.


Key Stage 3

What do we teach?

Please follow the link at the top of this page to view the Computing Curriculum Map. 

How do we assess learning?

Click HERE to see the Summer Term 2023 assessment grids used to determine if your child is working to secure level. 

Key Stage 4


OCR Computer Science J277

As computing technology continues to advance rapidly, students are experienced in the use of mobile devices and application on a daily basis.  Whereas IT utilises software to help you gain the fundamentals of ICT within business, computer science explores the fundamentals that have helped shape today’s technology.  Everyone knows how to use technology; but do you understand how it actually works?

What will I study?

The use of computing has an impact on many fields within the business world.  This exciting and challenging course has been specifically designed to equip you with a good understanding of computer science.  You will be able to program your own simple games, understand how computers communicate and develop computational thinking.

There is a huge range of topics covered by this course, including:

  • algorithms and decomposition
  • constants, variables and data types and structures
  • scope of variables, constants, functions and procedures
  • software development life cycle, prototyping and testing
  • program flow control
  • data representation
  • computer structure, systems, hardware, CPU (central processing unit), memory and secondary storage
  • error handling and problem solving
  • network – client / server and web application concepts
  • database concepts – query methods (SQL)
  • the use of computer technology in society
  • emerging trends and computational thinking

You will be taught to understand standard programming techniques, including the design of a coded solution to a problem and the ability to develop suitable algorithms. You will also design suitable input and output formats and identify suitable variables, structures and test procedures.

You will also be able to test your solutions.

This course is suitable for anyone who:

  • is interested in writing computer code to create their own software
  • wants a fundamental understanding of how a computer works, or
  • is a confident mathematician and can approach problems logically

How will I learn?

Depending on the content and level of work being studied you will learn through a combination of whole class, group work and one to one teaching sessions.  To ensure that the content is covered to the required level, you will also be expected to match the six hours of taught time with your own independent study at home.  Further support will also be offered during after school catch-up or revision sessions.

How will I be assessed?

The course assessment consists of the following 2 components:

Component 1:  Computer systems (written examination: 1 hour and 30 minutes - 50% of the qualification).  This paper consists of multiple-choice, short open response, open response and extended open response questions.

Component 2:  Computational thinking, algorithms and programming (2 hour written examination - 50% of the qualification).  This paper consists of short open response, open response and extended open-response questions.  The aim of this paper is to focus on the programming elements of the course.

Click here to view the GCSE Computer Science exam specification 

Will there be any controlled assessment?

No, although you will undertake a 20 hour practical project as part of the qualification.  This has to be completed to the best of your ability but final results will not count towards your final examination grade.

What do I need for computer science?

You need to be an independent learner, an analytical thinker and be prepared to work hard. You must be able to organise your own time, have a commitment to success and be able to review your own work and progress.  Although a challenging course, it is also very rewarding.


OCR Level 1/2 Cambridge National Certificate in Information Technologies

What will I study?

No matter what profession you opt for in the future, an understanding of ICT is an essential core skill.  As technology continues to advance rapidly, it is essential that ICT skills are acquired that are not only suitable for future employment, but also everyday life.  This course will enable you to develop your computing knowledge and skills in real life scenarios.

Areas that will be covered include:

  • the use of e-mail within a business context
  • software application use including spreadsheets (Excel), presentation

(PowerPoint), DTP (Publisher) and databases (Access)

  • data validation, verification and security
  • investigating how technology is utilised within business context
  • understanding the desktop environment
  • how devices and software support learning disabilities
  • hardware and software
  • social and environmental impact of technology
  • multimedia components and software

The course consists of 2 units:

R012 - Understanding tools, techniques, methods and processes for technological solutions

Unit outline

  • 1 hour 45 minutes written examination
  • 80 marks (120 UMS)
  • OCR-set and marked
  • Exam assessment in June of Year 10 and then January and June of Year 11.

Unit content

  • LO1: Understand the tools and techniques that can be used to initiate and plan solutions
  • LO3: Understand how data and information can be collected, stored and used
  • LO4: Understand the factors to be considered when collecting and processing data and storing data/information
  • LO6: Understand the different methods of processing data and presenting information.

R013 - Developing technological solutions

Unit outline

  • Approximately 20 hours
  • 80 marks (120 UMS)
  • An assignment set by OCR, marked by teachers and moderated by OCR
  • The assignment will include a context and set of tasks
  • A new assignment will be released each series and published on the OCR website
  • Assessment series in Year 10 and then in two series of Year 11 (January and June)

Unit content

  • LO2: To be able to initiate and plan a solution to meet an identified need
  • LO5: To be able to import and manipulate data to develop a solution to meet an identified need
  • LO7: To be able to select and present information in the development of the solution to meet an identified need
  • LO8: To be able to iteratively review and evaluate the development of the solution

Click here to view the Level 1/2 Information Technology exam specification

How will I learn?

You will learn through a combination of class, group and one to one teaching sessions depending on the content and level of work studied.

Will there be any independent study?

You should organise your own time and use independent study opportunities to ensure you are up to date. You will be set regular homework.

What do I need for ICT?

You need to be an independent learner, an analytical thinker and be prepared to work hard. You must be able to organise your own time, have a commitment to success and be able to review your own work and progress.

Where can this course take me?

The skills, knowledge and understanding you gain will be directly relevant to employment situations, improving your chance of success in the ICT sector. Immediate progression may be into employment or into further study, such as OCR Cambridge Technical Level 3 which we offer at the college.


OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Creative iMedia

What will I study?

You may be interested in this if you want an engaging qualification where you will use your learning in practical, real-life situations, such as: developing visual identities for clients; planning and creating original digital graphics and planning, creating and reviewing original digital media products. Not only will this course help you to develop independence and confidence in using skills that would be relevant to the media industry, but it will also help you to develop learning and skills that can be used in other life and work situations, such as: thinking about situations and deciding what is required to be successful in any area of media.

Other areas that will be covered include:

  • exploring different options and choosing the best way forward to a solve problem
  • exploring and generating original ideas to find imaginative solutions to problems
  • selecting the best tools and techniques to use to solve a problem
  • appropriate use of media to convey meaning
  • use of planning techniques to complete tasks in an organised way which meet deadlines.

The course consists of 3 units:

R093: Creative iMeadia in the media industry (Mandatory unit - 48 GLH)

Unit outline

  • 1 hour 30 minutes written examination
  • 70 marks (80 UMS)
  • OCR-set and marked
  • Exam assessment in January and/or June of Year 11.

Unit content

  • Topic Area 1: The media industry
  • Topic Area 2: Factors influencing product design
  • Topic Area 3: Pre-production planning
  • Topic Area 4: Distribution considerations

R094: Developing technological solutions (Mandatory Unit - 30 GLH)

Unit outline

  • Approximately 10 - 12 hours
  • 50 marks (50 UMS)
  • An assignment set by OCR, marked by teachers and moderated by OCR
  • The assignment will include a context and set of tasks based around a given assignment
  • A new assignment will be released each series and published on the OCR website
  • Assessment series to be completed by January in Year 10

Unit content

  • Topic Area 1: Development visual identity
  • Topic Area 2: Plan digital graphics for products
  • Topic Area 3: Create visual identity and digital graphics

R096: Animation and audio

Unit outline

  • Approximately 10 - 15 hours
  • 70 marks (70 UMS)
  • An assignment set by OCR, marked by teachers and moderated by OCR
  • The assignment will include a context and set of tasks based around a given assignment
  • A new assignment will be released each series and published on the OCR website
  • Assessment series to be completed by January in Year 11

Unit content

  • Topic Area 1: Plan animation with audio
  • Topic Area 2: Create animation with audio
  • Topic Area 3: Review animation with audio

Click here to view the OCR Cambridge Nationals Level 1/2 Creative i-Media exam specification How will I learn?

You will learn through a combination of class, group and one to one teaching sessions depending on the content and level of work studied.

Will there be any independent study?

You should organise your own time and use independent study opportunities to ensure you are up to date. You will be set regular homework.

What do I need for Creative iMedia?

You need to be an independent learner, an analytical thinker and be prepared to work hard. You must be able to organise your own time, have a commitment to success and be able to review your own work and progress.

Where can this course take me?

The skills, knowledge and understanding you gain will be directly relevant to employment situations, improving your chance of success in the Media sector. Immediate progression may be into employment or into further study, such as OCR Cambridge Technical Level 3 or Digital Media which we will offer at the college.

Key Stage 5

OCR A Level Computer Science H446

Computer Science A Level

The Computer Science A Level helps students understand the core academic principles of computer science. Classroom learning is transferred into creating real world situations, through the creation of an independent programming project, designed to develop the student’s technical understanding and their ability to analyse and solve problems using computational thinking (CT). CT is a problem-solving process that includes several skills, including, formulating problems in a manner that enables us to use a computer and other tools to help solve them, and logically organising and analysing data.

Computer Science an ideal qualification for anyone who is hoping to undertake a career in IT or the Computing industry, the course is suitable for anyone who is interested in writing computer code and creating their own software and who wants a fundamental understanding of the workings of a computer. It will also appeal to confident mathematicians who can approach problems logically.

Course Specific Entry Requirements

You will need GCSE grade 6 in mathematics, you will also have a passion and interest for all things tech.

Examination Board: OCR

Click here to view the A level Computer Science exam specification 

OCR Cambridge Technicals Level 3 (Extended Certificate) Information Technology

ICT Level 3 

IT is at the heart of our everyday life and has an ever-increasing role to play in the way in which we approach communications and problem solving. This course consists of three externally examined mandatory units and a choice of two further optional units which are centre assessed and moderated externally.

You will cover the below mandatory units:

  • The Fundamentals of IT - Information learnt in this unit will create a solid foundation

      in the fundamentals of hardware, networks, software, the ethical use of computers     

      and how businesses use IT.

  • Global Information – This units covers the uses of information by individuals and organisations, highlighting the importance of good data and information management
  • Cyber Security – This unit will cover cyber threats and risks, providing solutions on how to prevent or overcome cyber security incidents resulting from these challenges

A choice of two further optional units will be selected from the below:

  • Product Development – This unit teaches and encourages you to implement a range of project planning skills and techniques, which will enable you to become more effective in the workplace
  • Internet of Everything – This unit will cover the impact of the internet on people and society. Using this knowledge, you’ll carry out a feasibility study for a potential project which will be pitched to prospective stakeholders. Their feedback will be used to inform and review your feasibility study.

Examination Board: OCR

Click here to view the Level 3 Information Technology exam specification