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Cromwell Community College

Careers (CEIAG)

At Cromwell we believe Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance (CEIAG) is important to progress pupil's personal development. As education and the world of work is ever changing, we want pupils to have the skills and competencies to ensure they are prepared for their future education, Post 16 and Post 18, and their chosen career.

Core Elements of the Careers Programme at Cromwell

Fortnightly Frog Form Time

Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 have a Form Time session every fortnight to help focus on the links between secondary education and possible careers. Frog Form time is one of the major strands of the Careers programme and is designed to consistently reinforce the link between education and a future career. This part of the program is broadly split into the following:

Year 7

  • Growing throw life - exploring how careers are discovered and chosen
  • Exploring possibilities – exploring different career pathways
  • Developing an initial career action plan and steps to take to plan and manage a career

Year 8

  • Creating Opportunities – What kind of things employers find attractive and what skills careers need
  • The Balance between life and work
  • Reviewing the Year 7 Career action plan and updating it with latest ideas
  • The big picture – Looking at careers in the context of secondary education (the start of thinking about GCSE options)

Year 9

  • The big picture – Continuing work to help with GCSE option choices in the Year 9 autumn term
  • Review and further development of a career action plan that now links to GCSE options
  • Careers Education – Using UNIFROG to gather information to support choices about next education steps and careers
  • Careers Education – Learning about where to look for jobs, local labour market information, skills needed

Year 10

  • Continued careers education – Work experience, skills for employment, learning about your own strengths, building a CV, Entrepreneurship and creating your own business, social media and careers, working for a local business, national companies, working part time and teenage work, preparing for Year 10 work experience


Cromwell provides an ‘online destinations platform’ UNIFROG. Every student is provided with an account for this platform, and parents can also access it by request.

Use of UNIFROG is another key strand in the Cromwell Careers Programme.

The platform has a database including every careers path and educational pathway available in the UK. It includes numerous tasks and activities covering every aspect of researching and preparing for a career. There are numerous lessons that teachers may use in school to actively help students think about what they might do in the future, and the platform caters for every level through the key stages of secondary school.

For example, a student interested in an apprenticeship in animal husbandry simply has to search UNIFROG for the key terms to unlock a wealth of information about the career, different pathways within the sector, the educational pathways needed, and how to go about preparing for job applications.

The link to UNIFROG is:


There are various other sources of information on UNIFROG in this section

Post-16 Education – Selecting and Applying for Post-16 Education

A mission critical part of the Careers Programme is to support students through the process of selecting post-16 options. This is a 3-way activity relying on students and parents/families/carers with Cromwell providing the system, the information, and the support throughout Year 11 to successfully secure post-16 options.

All students and parents have the opportunity to engage in communication regarding the process, and students in Year 11 have regular touch points using assemblies through Year 11 to remind them of the process.

The system Cromwell uses in MyChoice16 at the following link:


All students are given access to this platform at the end of Year 10.

Year 10 Work experience

Cromwell are one of a small number of schools that continue to offer 2 weeks of work experience during Year 10.

The most successful outcomes for work experience (WEX) come from students and their families securing their own WEX placements through their own contacts. This mimics the real life process of finding and securing work.

It is not always possible to find a WEX placement though, and so the school works with external partners to maintain a database of possible placements that those not securing their own placement may use if needed.

Cromwell view WEX as a key element of introducing students to the real life expectations of working life, and as such, this is another critical strand in our Careers Programme.

WEX is launched in Year 10 during the autumn term and includes an evening meeting to introduce parents/carers to the process.

Careers Guidance

Careers Guidance via a trained and unbiased Careers Guidance Counsellor is a requirement of all school Careers Programmes. At Cromwell, this is offered on request to all students, and is provided to all year 11 students.

Careers Guidance is the opportunity to talk with an experienced Careers Counsellor about the various options and pathways open to each individual student. It usually consists of a minimum of an hours interview (but is not limited to 1 interview) and will allow a discussion regarding what employment/education each student is thinking about, and providing advice, information and actions to investigate further and progress towards those ideas.

It is important to note that Careers Guidance is not where a Guidance Counsellor will provide a list of possible jobs for a student to apply for. Guidance sessions are very much exploratory sessions to develop ideas and actions. Although all Year 11 students have access to Careers Guidance, the sessions are not just targeted at post-16 options but take a much broader view. This is important to note as not all Guidance sessions can be scheduled before post-16 option deadlines occur.

Careers Guidance is currently provided by a Level 6 Diploma trained Counsellor Mr J Carpanini, and Mr Matthews is currently undertaking the Level 6 Diploma course to provide additional support.

Careers Education Events this Term

Wednesday 6 November - Post-16 Careers Information Evening

A must attend event for all Year 11 students and parents. Come and meet our Post-16 education providers, training providers and apprentice employers who will discuss with you the courses and roles they have available. This event is targeted at helping Year 11 students make decisions about their next steps after GCSEs.

This will take place in the school Sports Hall, starting at 5pm and finishing around 7pm. All Year 11 Parents/Carers and Year 11 students are invited.

Early December

Watch out for more information on a Year 10 Parent/Carer event to launch the 2025 Work Experience programme. More information will be posted here after half term and sent out to Parents/Carers via ParentMail.

Parent / Student / Staff / Employer Careers Programme Surveys

Surveys for Students

New student surveys on the careers program will be added before October half term break.

Surveys for Parents

Thank you for participation in the last Careers parent/carer survey. A new survey will be available before the 2024 Christmas break.

Surveys for Staff

There is a currently active staff survey that must be completed by end September. The link is in the staff bulletin.

Surveys for Employers

A survey for employers who interact with Cromwell Community College is being developed and will be released before the Christmas 2024 break.

Information for Parents

For information and practical tips to help you support your child's decision-making with subject and career choices, please click HERE.


All pupils have access to Unifrog, which is an online platform where pupils can access information regarding Careers. They are able to build evidence of their competencies ready to complete their CVs in Key Stage 4. Pupils will be asked to complete tasks in Unifrog at home and at school to help ensure that they have all the information on career choices that they need.


Click HERE to see how pupils can create their Unifrog account. Year 7 pupils will have the opportunity to set up their Unifrog accounts at school.

Webinars are available for pupils and parents to watch, to see how Unifrog can help with your child's Career journey during their time at Cromwell. Parents and pupils using Unifrog at home to research possible career paths and options is greatly encouraged.



Useful Links

National Careers Week   

National Apprenticeship Week 

Key Stage 4 Options 

Year 11 Post 16 Applications & Personal Guidance 

Results Day Information & Advice 

What Qualification Levels Mean  

Year 13 - Life After Cromwell 


Additional Online Careers Resources & Labour Market Information (LMI) 

Career Programme

Key Stage 3 pupils have 12 sessions each year building their Unifrog profiles. These careers sessions are delivered during the 'World Around Us' week and are linked to using Unifrog so that pupils can build up knowledge of the online platform. Pupils can use Unifrog at any time to support their interest in careers.

Year 7 sessions include:

  • What are skills?
  • What is your dream job?
  • Aiming High Competencies
  • Staying Positive Competencies
  • Careers treasure hunt

Year 8 sessions include: 

  • Your skills, your team, your future
  • Identifying interests
  • Presenting Competencies
  • Listening Competencies
  • Skills for careers

Year 9 sessions include:

  • GCSE choices, choices, choices
  • University vs Apprenticeship
  • Career terminology
  • Career library treasure hunt
  • Leadership Competencies
  • What makes a great leader
  • Creativity Competencies

Key Stage 4 pupils have a careers session once a week with their Form Tutor. All sessions are linked to Unifrog and pupils will be asked to complete tasks and build their profiles.

Year 10 sessions include:

  • Interests Profile
  • Subject library treasure hunt
  • Communication Competency
  • What makes a great communicator?
  • Problem Solving Competency
  • Independence Competency
  • Basics of interview skills
  • CVs and personal statements
  • Covering letters
  • How to prepare for interviews
  • Health and Safety in the workplace (linked to Work Experience)

Year 11 sessions include:

  • Coping with changes
  • Post 16 options
  • CV writing
  • Apprenticeships - Busting myths
  • BTEC - Busting myths
  • Maximising your potential
  • Employment rights for young people
  • Volunteering - National Citizenship Service (NCS)
  • Literacy Competency
  • Numeracy Competency
  • World of work - professional networking
  • Post 16 intention 

Feedback Form

We believe it is important that we hear from parents and carers about the effectiveness of our Careers programme. Please click on the link below to give your feedback regarding this:

Parental Feedback Form 

Information for Pupils

You have access to Unifrog, which is an online platform where you can access information regarding Careers. You will use Unifrog in your PSCHE lessons and during Form times. 

You can access Unifrog at any time and it give you lots of great information about Careers and will help with decision making throughout your time at Cromwell.

Click HERE to create your Unifrog account / or if you have forgotten your password.

Here are the Unifrog checklists – these are also in your PSCHE workbooks in the careers section:

unifrog checklist v2.pdf

Key Stage 3 Useful Information

Click HERE to view the Key Stage 3 Unifrog Task Booklets

Year 9 Options link  

Careers - BBC Bitesize 

National Careers Week Activities

Key Stage 4 Useful Information

Click HERE to view the Key Stage 4 Unifrog Task Booklets

Year 11 Post 16 Application & Personal Guidance 

Careers helpline for teenagers - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

National Apprenticeship Week

Career Guidance Interviews

All Year 11 pupils will have an opportunity to speak to a Careers Advisor.  However pupils from any year group can request an interview at any time, if you have any questions.

Please email careers@cromwell.cambs.sch.uk

Feedback Form

Please complete the following form to give feedback regarding our Careers events:

Pupil Feedback Form 

Information for Teachers

Teachers and Careers Development at Cromwell Community College 

Cromwell Community College  is committed to providing high quality Careers Learning to help inspire students and to enable them to make well-informed and realistic career decisions. We aim to meet all eight Benchmarks for a “Good Careers Guidance” as identified by the Gatsby Foundation. 

Our Leadership Team views careers as being the responsibility of all staff in our academy. We can all make small changes in the curriculum that can have a big impact in the classrooms. 

We work closely with Growth Works with Skills to deliver a quality careers programme, and you can find out more information about their support from:


Our aim is for all subject areas to do the following: 

  • have a prominent display that links subject learning and skill development to different careers 
  • develop links with businesses and organisations to invite alumni and other external speakers support careers and curriculum learning 
  • where appropriate to organise external visits by students to local businesses/organisations 
  • take opportunities when presented to cement the link between your curriculum area and careers related learning 
  • take part in careers activities as directed. 
  • consider the needs and interests of all students and ensure that information challenges stereotyping including gender and disability 

More information regarding careers is available through the school Careers Leader Mr Neil Matthews at nmatthews@cromwell.cambs.sch.uk.

Information for Employers

Cromwell Community College appreciates the importance of employer engagement within the school community.

As an employer you can support pupils in the following ways:

  • Work Experience placements
  • Taking on an apprentice
  • Speaking to pupils about your business / career path
  • Conducting mock interviews
  • Supporting in a particular subject area

If you are interested in any of the above please complete the questionnaire below to register your interest.

Employer Engagement Questionnaire 

Information on Apprenticeships for Employers

Employing an Apprentice - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Offer a Trainee Work Experience - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)





Information for Post-16 Providers


Vision for Careers Education

Our aim is to:
  • Help pupils to be more self-aware, informed of their own further education and employment, including traineeships, apprenticeships and university.
  • Enable pupils to manage transition to new roles and situations throughout their lives and help them to achieve their aspirations.
  • Allow pupils to develop personal awareness, and how they can actively drive their futures.
  • Make clear links between earning potential and the learning and qualifications they gain.
  • Show pupils how to adapt and be flexible, to adjust to change and to make effective use of it.
  • Prepare pupils for the transfer from school to adult life including further education, training and work.

The College is working towards meeting the Gatsby Charitable Foundation's Benchmarks to develop and improve our careers provision. The College also is working towards re-accreditation of the CEIAG nationally recognised Quality Award.

Our Enterprise Partner

Cromwell Community College has a new Enterprise Partner who joined us through the 2024 summer term and has been providing support in developing the 2024-2025 Careers Programme.

We would like to welcome Mrs Rebecca Stimson to the Enterprise Partner role.

Mrs Stimson works as the Environmental, Sustainability and Social Value Manager for an important local company MJS Construction and brings a wealth of careers, employment and education experience to the role.

We very much look forward to working closely with Mrs Stimson over the coming years to develop and improve the Cromwell Careers programme.

Useful Links:

CEIAG Policy

Provider Access Statement

Careers guidance and access for education and training providers

Cromwell Careers Programme 


 If you require any further information about Careers at Cromwell, please contact nmatthews@cromwell.cambs.sch.uk or telephone 01354 692193.

This page will be reviewed in September 2025